A really useful strategy to avoid issues before they actually become them. In essence you are asking leaders to reflect on what could go wrong, based on what they currently know and then think about how they might prevent that from happening. The actions they identify can then be put in place to minimize the risk of the possible happening and lead to a greater certainty of success.
Step 1: Create the undesired scenario in the future
Step 2: Identity possible reasons why it went wrong
Step 3: From the reasons that were identified sort which were in your control and which were not
Step 4: Now think of actions that could be taken now for all things that are within your control
Step 5: Finally examine carefully the elements outside your control and think carefully how you might minimize the impact of these too, by taking appropriate actions.
Once the above steps have been covered a clear sense of what can be actually done is very clear as well as clearly demonstrating that an awful lot is within our control. For those elements outside our control, time should not be wasted worrying about what if's but on what action we can take with all the areas within our control.
Step 1: Create the undesired scenario in the future
Step 2: Identity possible reasons why it went wrong
Step 3: From the reasons that were identified sort which were in your control and which were not
Step 4: Now think of actions that could be taken now for all things that are within your control
Step 5: Finally examine carefully the elements outside your control and think carefully how you might minimize the impact of these too, by taking appropriate actions.
Once the above steps have been covered a clear sense of what can be actually done is very clear as well as clearly demonstrating that an awful lot is within our control. For those elements outside our control, time should not be wasted worrying about what if's but on what action we can take with all the areas within our control.
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